Heroes of Rokugan I
- Plans and Storyline Development - A Discussion
- Satsume's Tournament
- Kitsuki Evidence
- A Chance Meeting
- Spiritual Presence
- Legacy of the Dark One
- Winter Court: Kyuden Asahina
- The Face of Fear
- Arrows From the Woods
- Evil Feeds Upon Itself
- A Mantis and His Rat
- The Falling Darkness, Soul of Iuchiban
- The Ties that Bind
- The People's Expense
- Occult Murders, Soul of Iuchiban
- Lies, Lies, Lies
- Drawing Out the Darkness, Soul of Iuchiban
- A Foreign Legacy
- A Magistrate's Duty, Soul of Iuchiban
- Fury of the Elements
- To Do What We Must
- Winter Court: Kanrinrin's Duty, Soul of Iuchiban
- The Fate of a Hantei, Soul of Iuchiban
- Smoke and Mirrors, The Lion and the Crane
- A Hidden Blade, The Lion and the Crane
- Treachery and Deceit
- Winter Court: Shiro Kyotei
- Ancestral Dictate, The Lion and the Crane
- A Heart of Vengeance, The Lion and the Crane
- Soul of Akodo, The Lion and the Crane
- Darkness Beyond Darkness, Shadow's Path
- The Chrysanthemum Festival, The Lion and the Crane
- Kuro's Fire
- Duty on the Wall
- Fist of the Earth, Shadow's Path
- Day and Night
- The Scorpion's Sting
- Flower's Kiss
- In Time of War
- Winter Court: Shiro no Kaiu
- Proposal of Peace
- Way of Deception
- A Walk Through the Mountains, Shadow's Path
- Narrow Ground
- Peasant Defense
- The Price of Loyalty
- Dark Eyes on the Wall
- Tao of the Naga
- The Cost of Duty
- Storm and Forest
- Stain Upon the Soul
- Command of the Kami
- The Jade Championship
- Twisted Forest
- Funeral Pyre
- Time to Pay the Price, Shadow's Path
- Damning Evidence, The Hidden Temple
- Test of Courage
- Winter Court: Kyuden Bayushi
- Corrupted Ground, Shadows of an Iron Citadel
- A Question of Honor, Shadows of an Iron Citadel
- A Last Wish, Shadows of an Iron Citadel
- Blood of Midnight, Shadow's Path
- Fires of Retribution, The Hidden Temple
- Faith in My Clan
- Along the Coast at Midnight
- Unmaker's Shadow, Shadow's Path
- The Dragon's Heart, The Hidden Temple
- Time of the Void
- The Day of Thunder
Heroes of Rokugan II
- Plans and Preparation
- The Topaz Championship
- Treacherous Terrain
- Writ of Justice
- Tears of a Fox's Heart
- Wrath of the Kami, Remorseful Seppuku
- Unrequited Love
- Devoured by the Sea
- Scholarship, Remorseful Seppuku
- Uncertainty
- Unquiet Graves, Remorseful Seppuku
- Way of Death
- The Sapphire Tournament
- Bloom of the White Orchid
- The City of Lies
- The Bon Festival
- Stolen Relics
- Forgotten Shrine, Remorseful Seppuku
- A Say's Sail, Shipping Lanes
- Charge of the Baraunghar
- The House of a Thousand Stories
- Winter Court: Shiro Hanagensai
- In Search of the Future
- Compassion, The Code of Bushido
- Bayushi Lineage: Fathers and Sons
- Unexpected Find
- Legacy of My Ancestors, Shipping Lanes
- Corrupt Officials
- Grave of Heroes, Ominous Portents
- Voice of the Emperor, Ominous Portents
- ➔ Imperial Funeral
- Test of Purity, Ominous Portents
- Essence of Yume-do
- Shadows on the Court
- Strength From Weakness, Twenty Goblin Winter
- City of the Lost, Twenty Goblin Winter
- Failure of Courage, Twenty Goblin Winter
- Kharmic Vengeance
- Sleepless Nights
- Honesty, The Code of Bushido
- Journey to the Burning Sands
- The Tortoise and the Hare
- Harsh Lessons
- A Champion's Heart
- Corrupted Region, Shipping Lanes
- Unexpected Betrayal
- Courage, The Code of Bushido
- City of Empty Dreams
- Campaign Fiction: Scenes from the Empire, Summer 1502
- Secluded Village
- Cursed Gift
- Touch of Obsidian
- The Siege of Shiro Usagi
- Campaign Fiction: The Seppuku of Bayushi Tenkai
- Retirement
- Shadows of Beiden
- Into the Darkness
- Heated Discussion, The Code of Bushido
- Campaign Fiction: Scenes from the Empire, Autumn 1502
- Broken Words
- Assigning Blame
- Winter Court: The High House of Light
- Winter Court: Shiro no Shosuro
- Duty and Honor, The Code of Bushido
- The Cherry Blossom Festival
- Campaign Fiction: Scenes from the Empire, Spring 1503
- Undignified Death
- Loyalty, The Code of Bushido
- Marriage Celebration
- Fall Before the Master
- Border Conflict
- Campaign Fiction: A Summer of War, Parts 1-4
- Nemesis of Justice
- Summoned to Justice
- Essence of Toshigoku
- Doom of the Crab
- The Hidden Heart
- A Long Journey, Shipping Lanes
- Allegiance to the Emperor
- Campaign Fiction: A Summer of War, Part 5 and 6
- Contest of Artistry
- Reverence for Chikushudo
- Masterpiece: Iron Crane Chef
- Mujina Tricks, Remorseful Seppuku
- Spider's Lair
- Words and Deeds
- The Final Interactive: Weekend in Rokugan 2010
- Campaign Fiction: Brother and Sisters
- A Fallen Friend
- Truth and Falsehood
- A Hard Rain Will Fall
- An Arranged Marriage
- Whispers of the Moon
- Fate of the Assassin
- March Unto Death
- Celestial Journey
- Words Cut Like Steel
- To the Last Breath
L5R Homebrew
- A Root Problem: Conflicting Themes
- Power Levels and Power-Creep
- Defense Versus Offense
- Raises
- Narrative Control Mechanics
- Wounds and Death Part 1
- Thugs Versus Characters
- Dueling
- Wounds and Death Part 2
- Schools, Techniques, and Kata Part 1
- Spells and Secrets
- Schools, Techniques, and Kata Part 2
- What's with these Shugenja, anyway? br>
- Unofficial 5th Edition
The GenCon 2007 Interactive was by far HoR’s biggest Interactive up until this time (although we would get even bigger in Year Three and Year Four) and was set in a very high social circle indeed: the funeral of the Toturi twins. Like Grave of Heroes, I announced the title nearly a year in advance as an ominous teaser for the player-base. The actual negotiating topics of the Interactive, of course, were not decided until the last couple of months before GenCon.
Since this was a major event in Rokugan’s history, I made sure to include a large number of prominent NPCs, recruiting various willing/trusted players to portray them. I myself played the Emperor (who spends the event basically watching everything while quietly despairing), my wife played the second Imperial daughter (Toturi “the Scholar” Maihime), and various others depicted Miya Shikan, O-Doji Koneko and her son Doji Sarutomo, the Master of Void, the Phoenix Clan Champion, the Jade Champion, the Khan, the Moshi daimyo, the Mirumoto daimyo, and others. (The Mirumoto daimyo, who of course had no _legitimate_ children, announced at this event that he would retire and his successor would be chosen with a Kenjutsu tournament.) Our biggest triumph here was to recruit an L5R CCG player who was famous for cross-dressing as female NPCs at previous L5R LARPs… he agreed to play O-Doji Koneko and did an incredible job. Mark Biffin also was a stand-out as Miya Shikan.
This event was significantly influenced by the ongoing canon-L5R meta-game called the “Race for the Throne.” AEG very much wanted the RPG to have a voice in that event, and asked me to present the GenCon Interactive in such a way that it could also generate political points for the Race. Accordingly, I had to design major goals for the event that could produce clear Great Clan “winners”; this led to the decision to introduce two specific negotiating points (the marriage of the Emperor’s eldest daughter and the fostering of his youngest son Kobe) that would be decided by votes. After much intense negotiation, the final result was a win for the Crane in the primary vote (she married Daidoji Kowaru, the new Daidoji family daimyo) and a win for the Crab/Spider on the secondary vote (Kobe was fostered to the Crab). Both of these decisions would have significant ramifications for the campaign’s later storyline.
Speaking of the Spider… one challenge for me was to find a way to let the CCG’s “Spider Clan” be represented in this Interactive even though they did not exist in Rokugan 1500. My solution was to exploit the “Sons of Destiny” cult idea I had come up with for the earlier module Compassion. Since the Spider Clan were supposed to be infiltrating the rest of the Empire, it was a simple matter to substitute the Sons of Destiny, who as a conspiratorial fringe cult would also have a few recruits in every clan. This led me to the decision to make the putatively female Master of Void, Isawa Akima, into a leader of the cult and thus also a female impersonator (a cult called “Sons of Destiny” was, by definition, misogynistic). Although the overall activities of the cult at the Interactive went unnoticed by the players, some of the Phoenix players did pick up that something wasn’t right with their clan’s leadership, and one player took the initiative to send letters to his Clan Champion expressing his concerns. I would “pay off” this effort in the module City of Empty Dreams a year later.
I also experimented at this event with another “Favor” mechanic, whereby the characters could give Favor Tokens to others to get them to vote in the desired way, and refusing to vote as asked would result in a loss of Glory – representing the effects of social/political attacks. Some of the players quickly saw the potential here to “Favor bomb” specific PCs and drive down their Glory, a nastily effective tactic. I was actually happier with this approach than with many of my other attempts at adding a mechanical element to Interactives, but it got distinctly mixed reviews from the players, and I ultimately wound up dropping it.
In addition to the two major diplomatic topics, each clan had its own lesser goals, and this resulted in the Dragon getting permission to carry out a punitive raid on the Badger (the first minor breach of Shikan’s peace… cracks in the dike). On the other hand, the situation created by the Hare getting three different sponsors for their shugenja school did not resolve so smoothly… the Phoenix, being averse to conflict, pulled out of their sponsorship, but the Crab and Scorpion both remained. This set up the “Hare War” storyline that would dominate Year Three and finally shatter Shikan’s peace for good.